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Win My Award


    Do you have a great dbz website? If you think so you can send me an e-mail with your website url. I will be glad to look over it. But what is my award? My award is simply the banner at the top with vegeta shooting out an energy blast, but instead of saying SuperSaiyans2's dbz website it will say SuperSaiyanWay's great website award.  The award is also a link to my site and you will have to do somethings with my award if you want to get it.First you will need to have my award on every page in your website. (exceptions can be made)I would also appreciate it if you check out my web and tell me what you thing in the comments and suggestions link on the main page. That is all that I require and my award will look something like this:

You can adjust the size to however you want it. And remeber if you want the award you have to remember to e-mail me in the Contact Us link or just click on the link right  Here. If the link does not work just type in to this e-mail address flashdanny@aol.com. Thank you!