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SuperSaiyanWay's Site History

If you have been a fan of this site then you probably no we only started 2 months ago. Remarkably we had 654 people come to this site in the first month and have averaged 46 different people a day in the past 2 weeks. You are also probably wondering how I made the site. It wasn't easy in the beginning I had to learn HTML. As my site got its first 500 people I decided to make things a little easier on myself so I bought Windows Frontpage 2000. It was great and it didn't take HTML to use. If you want more information on how I made this site or if you want me o help you get a start on making a website (few things will be needed) click on the image of Trunks becoming a SuperSaiyan or just click on this link E-mail Me. Clicks4U Traffic Exchange