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    I wish other sites that I have been on had this section for people like me when I started to make this site. I had to read books and everything to learn just how the code works. So when I finally figured it out I decided that I should make a section like this for people who had m problem. I am going to tell you fast and simple how to make the site...... now listen carefully there is a special trick to it, if you want to learn html you will have to have $20 and the time and patience to learn or you could use Netscape 4.7 or Windows Frontpage 2000 which are both around $30 with no html skill needed. But for those of you who want to learn html anyway I will give you a good start. Type this code on wnidows notepad(must have webserver) and you will have a good start.

<TITLE>My Webiste</TITLE>


    Thats all that I have for now but in a few weeks I will have an e-book out on html so don't worry. And if you are still having trouble e-mail me and I will get you a good start on your site!

    For more info E-mail me in the contact us section or just click the link here